{{@converters.prettyTime('Wed Apr 10 2019 00:00:59 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)', true)}}
4 Rope Climbs
4 rope climbs for time to 15' target.
Floor, target, and running clock (or clock app) must be visible in the frame.
We will verify test winner rope height in an undisclosed manner that WILL be accurate.
10 Hang Clean
10 Hang cleans
205 lb men/120 lb women
For time
Video view must be at an angle where it is possible to see the elbows come past the frontal plane of the bar. Running clock or clock app must also be visible, and weights must be verified in the continuous clip.
20 Chest to Bar Pullups
20 Chest to Bar Pullups for time.
Video must include clear line of sight to chest contact with bar and timer or timer app.
Triad Metcon
15 Burpee Box Overs (30"/24")
15 Toes to Bar
15 Snatch (135/95)
For time.
Make sure the floor on both sides of box, pull-up bar, barbell and running clock (or clock app) are visible in video frame. Confirm barbell weights and proper box configuration in the same cut of video.
2 Rep Max Clean & Jerk
20 second time cap
Player must begin in prone position (chest to floor) until time begins.
Triad Metcon (Bodyweight biased)
8 bar muscle ups
16 pistols
32 double unders
For time
10 Dumbbell Burpee Over Box
10 DB burpee over box (50/35 each hand 24/20 box height)
For time
Max hand stand pushups in 30 second
Max hand stand pushups in 30 second
Strength metcon
15 deadlift
10 front squats
5 shoulder to overhead
For time
1 round for time
1 Deadlift @ 455/275
2 Med ball ring muscle ups (20/14)
3 Double dumbbell squat clean + overhead squat complex - 70/50
4 Free standing handstand pushups